Appendix 3: The Full eInfraCentral Service Description Template (Catalogue & Portfolio)

Note that as it regards the "Visibility" column of the Service Description Template:

  • Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) refers to the service information that may be presented to a potential customer/user at the eInfraCentral platform/common catalogue;
  • Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) refers to additional service information which is only available to designated staff of the service provider required for the service management;
  • Other refers to all other service information required by other service stakeholders.
Service Description Template (Catalogue & Portfolio)
Service Attribute Definition Type Example Value Recommendation Visibility Required for EIC
Basic Service Information
Service ID Global unique and persistent identifier of the service. List of controlled values (SPs) 01.03 In the above example, the first part denotes the Service Provider and the second part the unique identifier of the service within the Service Provider. A persistent identifier should be agreed among service providers and should be visible to Customers. Mandatory
Service URL The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the entry web page of the service usually hosted and maintained by the service provider. URL or Create a unique URL for each service and provide the shortest possible alias. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Provider Name The organisation that manages and delivers the service and with whom the customer signs the SLA. Free text e.g. GÉANT Association, PRACE, EGI, EUDAT, OpenAIRE, etc. N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Name Brief and descriptive name of service as assigned by the service provider. Free text (max 80) B2DROP Should be descriptive from a customer point of view and should be quite simple, such that someone non-technical is able to understand what the service is about. This attribute will be used in the search function to prioritise results. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Tagline Short text, catch line or slogan which serves mainly marketing and advertising purposes. Free text (max 100) Store, share and access your files and their metadata on a global scale Marketing specialists are encouraged to be engaged in order to come up with a catch phrase that can aid service dissemination and visibility. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Description High-level description in fairly non-technical terms of what the service does functionality it provides and resources it enables access to. Free text (max 1000) B2SHARE is a user-friendly, reliable and trustworthy service that allows to store and share worldwide small-scale research data, results and metadata from diverse contexts and guarantees their long-term persistence. Description in one paragraph without bullets or rich HTML. This attribute is used in the search function to prioritise results. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Options A high-level description of the various options or forms in which the service can be instantiated. Free text (max 1000) ""Standard or enhanced", "Bronze, silver and gold", "10, 20, 30", "Foundation Level, Advanced Level, Expert Level" Non-exhaustive description in one paragraph without bullets or rich HTML. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Target Users Type of users/customers allowed commission/benefit from the service. Free text --> might change to a list of controlled values Research Organisations, Industry, SMEs, Researchers, Scientists, Funders, Policy Makers, Service Providers, Data Providers, etc. This field is important in order to determine the primary benefited users of the Service. Target users should be defined as accurately and as inclusive as possible at the same time. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
User Value Description of the benefit delivered to a customer/user by the service. Free text (max 1000) For the communities who need to guard against data loss, B2SAFE is a customer facing service that allows data replication and safe storage between geographically distributed centres in the EUDAT CDI. Benefits are usually related to alleviating pains (e.g., eliminate undesired outcomes, obstacles or risks) or producing gains (e.g. increased performance, social gains, positive emotions or cost saving). Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
User Base List of customers, communities, users, etc. using the service. Free text (max 1000) 900+ data providers in Europe with different compatibility levels. Adoption in Latin America (LaReferencia), Mexico and Japan. Description should be as quantified as possible. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Symbol The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the logo/visual identity of the service. URL Provide the shortest possible URL to the service logo. It is better that each service has its own logo with the same look and feel. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Multimedia The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the multimedia material of the service (screenshots or videos). URL Provide the shortest possible URL to a video or other multimedia material. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Classification Information
Service Version Informs about the service version that is in force. Free text (max 10) 3.1 Only stable releases should be referenced. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Last Update The date of the latest update of the service. Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 28/2/2018 The date should refer to when the updated version became available to users, not when it was developed or released internally in the SP. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Change Log A log of the service features added in the last and previous versions. Free text (max 1000) Upgrade of user interface. Correction of minor bugs. Clear, staccato sentences for each feature should be used. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Valid for The date up to which the service description is valid Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 03/12/2018 You may put here the date a related project is planned to conclude and this might lead to a change in the service delivery model. The expiring date should imply validity period until 23:59:59. In case it is earlier, the previous day should be used in the date. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Life Cycle Status Used to tag the service to the full service cycle List of values: 1. Discovery, 2. Planned, 3. Alpha , 4. Beta , 5. Production, 6. Retirement, 7. Phase-out, 8. Disposal. For the eInfraCentral catalogue, allowed values are alpha, beta and production. Production For the eInfraCentral catalogue, allowed values are Alpha, Beta and Production. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service TRL Used to tag the service to the Technology Readiness Level List of values: For the eInfraCentral catalogue, allowed values are: 7 - system prototype demonstration in operational environment, 8 - system complete and qualified, 9 - actual system proven in operational environment. See Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Category A named group of services that offer access to the same type of resource that is of interest to a customer/user. List of values: 1. Networking, 2. Compute, 3. Storage, 4. Data, 5. Software, 6. Application, 7. Security, 8. Analytics, 9. Operations, 10. Training, 11. Consulting, 12. Aggregator, 13. Other Networking Select only one category Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Subcategory Type/Subcategory of service within a category List of values: Direct Connect, Virtual Network, Load Balancer, Application Gateway, VPN Gateway, Exchange, Content Delivery Network, Traffic Manager, API Gateway, Job Execution, Virtual Machine Management, Container Management, Batch Processing, Serverless Applications Repository, Load Balancing, Data, File, Queue, Disk, Archive, Backup, Synchronised, Replicated, Recovery, Mining, Access, Management, Transfer Management, Registration, Persistent Identifiers, Interlinking, Publishing, Discovery Anonymisation, Preservation, Brokering, Annotation, Validation, Platform, Application, Tools, Component, Authentication and Authorisation, Coordination, Certification Authority, Identity ,Attacks protection, Business Analytics, Web Analytics, Learning Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, Accounting, Helpdesk, Monitoring, Analysis, Configuration, Online Courses, In house Courses, Open Registration Courses, Platform, Audit and Assessment of IT Management, Audit and Assessment of Information Security, High Performance Computing,Other Direct Connect Select only one subcategory Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Place Regions/Countries Availability Multi value Word N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Language Languages of the User interface Multi value English N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Tags Attribute to facilitate searching based on keywords. Multi value AIA, Security This field will be used in the search function to prioritize results. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Required Services Other services required with this service. Service IDs 01.24 List of Service IDs. If needed, give the name of a service. When registered in the catalogue this will be replaced by the ID. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Related Services Other services that are commonly used with this service. Service IDs 03.04 List of Service IDs. In preparation note the name of a service. When your services are registered in the catalogue this should be replaced by the SID. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Support Information
Service Order The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the webpage to request the service from the service provider. URL Visible to Customers Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Helpdesk The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to a webpage with the contact person or helpdesk to ask more information from the service provider about this service. URL N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service User Manual The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the service user manual and documentation. URL N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Training Information The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to training information on the service. URL N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Feedback The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the page where customers can provide feedback on the service. URL N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Contractual Information
Service Price The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the information about the payment models that apply, the cost and any related information. URL--> might change to free text including URL N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Level Agreement The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the information about the levels of performance that a service provider is expected to achieve. URL--> might change to free text including URL Take a look at EGI SLA and EUDAT SLA to formulate. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Mandatory
Service Terms Of Use The Uniform Resource Locator (web address) to the webpage describing the rules, service conditions and usage policy which one must agree to abide by in order to use the service. URL--> might change to free text including URL Downloadable in several document formats Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Funding Sources of funding for the development and/or operation of the service. Free text (max 1000) EC (Horizon) and National (NREN) Publicity guidelines of each respective funding sources should be adhered to. Good if you could give here reference to EC or other public funding. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Level Targets and Performance Information
Service Requests The total number of demands for a specific service, e.g. service access requests, service information requests, requests for other material service attributes, etc. Free text 15 N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Users The total number of people who utilise a specific service. Free text 20 N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Usage The level or percentage of actual penetration/utilisation of a specific service. Free text 35,00% As many decimal points as needed should be used. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Capacity The maximum volume of available service provision while maintaining standards of quality and performance. e.g. 30.000 concurrent users, 3.000 service orders per day, etc. Free text 3000 service orders per day N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Coverage The range of geographical areas and/or thematic sectors that a service is addressed to, e.g. EU Member States (regional), high energy physics (scientific community) etc. Free text EU Member States (regional) N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Cost The monetary value that a user is requested to pay in order to utilise a specific service, e.g. free of charge, 100 €, etc. Free text Free of charge N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Availability Availability, i.e., the fraction of a time period that an item is in a condition to perform its intended function upon demand (“available” indicates that an item is in this condition); availability is often expressed as a probability. Free text 98.1% As many decimal points as needed should be use Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Reliability Reliability, i.e., the probability that an item will function without failure under stated conditions for a specified amount of time. “Stated conditions” indicates perquisite conditions external to the item 99% being considered. For example, a stated condition for a supercomputer might be that power and cooling must be available - thus a failure of the power or cooling systems would not be considered a failure of the supercomputer. Free text 99% As many decimal points as needed should be used. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Serviceability or Durability Serviceability, i.e., the probability that an item will be retained in, or restored to, a condition to per-form its intended function within a specified period of time Free text 9.99%, High, Very High, … As many decimal points as needed should be used in the case of percentage. Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Performance Indicator Name Other Service Level Target or Performance Indicator Free text Users N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Performance Indicator Value Indicator Value Measurement of Other Indicator Free text 1 N/A Visible to Customers (Catalogue/Portfolio) Optional
Service Operations Information
Service Owner Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Operations Documentation Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Monitoring Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Accounting Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Business continuity plan Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Disaster recovery plan Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Decommissioning Procedure Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Metrics and Statistics Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Level 1 Support Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Level 1 Support Hours Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Level 2 Support Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Level 2 Support Hours Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Level 3 Support Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Level 3 Support Hours Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Maintenance Window Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Availability Hours Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Use cases and requirements Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Features (active) Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service Features (upcoming) Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Service components Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Dependencies Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Unique Selling Point Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Competitors Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Cost to build Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Cost to run Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Pricing Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Risks Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Other Service Provider Service Information
Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Other info needed for the service provider Internal to Service Provider (Portfolio) Optional
Other Stakeholder Service Information
Other info needed by a stakeholder T Optional
Other info needed by a stakeholder Optional

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